Wednesday 25 August 2010

Belinda's going on maternity leave and lease extensions

Steve and I just met with Belinda and our soon to be new Property manager Sanjay Thakrar.  Belinda leaves on maternity leave in 2 weeks and we'd like to wish Belinda all the best and thank her for her hard work.  Handover of work from Belinda to Sanjay has already started, and we look forward to working with Sanjay in the coming months.

It sounds like there has been some confusion regarding the potential lease extensions.  Belinda/Sanjay plan to write to you all to better explain the situation.  Neither Pemberton's nor CMRA will make any money from this activity.  As CMRA is the landlord of the development we can choose to grant ourselves an extension and the only cost is the related legal fees.  Mortgages can be harder to get as the remaining lease duration decreased and extension would remove this difficulty.


Thursday 1 July 2010

This week's drop in

Thank you to the 3 people who came and met Steve and I in the boat house last night - it was good to talk with you.  We'll look to hold another one towards the end of the year.


Thursday 24 June 2010

Walk around with the gardeners

Steve and myself met with the gardeners tonight and took a walk around the site.  We are very pleased with how the gardens look and hope you are too.  There are some trees that need some attention, that we plan to ask Pembertons to investigate.


Wednesday 19 May 2010

Management agent update and Boathouse meeting.

Steve and I have decided that at the moment we are not going to change management agents - we are meeting regularly with Belinda from Pembertons and feel that we are seeing an improvement.  Chris is aware that we plan to stay with Pembertons for the time being, and our relationship remains strong.

We have selected a new auditor - Keith Willis Associates.  Pembertons have confirmed the new company have experience of managing accounts like ours, and they are based in Nottingham.  We hope that the 2009 account will be issued in the next few months. 

Steve and I will be in the Boat house on the 30th June from 7:45pm to 8:15pm for a drop-in session, as proposed at the AGM.  Please come and find us!  


Wednesday 10 February 2010

"Safer Neighbourhood" contacts

Our local Beat Manager, PC 2217 Adam Francis, recently put a letter through our doors to introduce himself and to inform us who to contact if any of us should need to report anything of interest to the Police, or if we should require police support. I thought it would be useful to post those details here too.

PC 2217 Adam Francis can be contacted on his direct mobile number which is 07792 437319.

PC Francis is currently supported by a Nottingham City Council Community Protection Officer called Alan Crookes. Alan is part of the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) and deals with issues such as fly tipping, litter and anti-social behaviour. Alan's mobile number is 07956 175501.

Alternatively, the telephone number of the Meadows Police Station is 0300 300 9999.

Please make a note of these numbers and save them to your mobile phone for your convenience, just in case you ever need them.

In his letter, PC Francis also stated that crime in our particular area is very low, though he did refer to the spate of care fires that we experienced last year. On that particular matter, PC Francis said that although there was a suspect, there was insufficient evidence to arrest and charge.


Wednesday 3 February 2010

Thank you for supporting today's AGM

Thank you for supporting today's AGM, hopefully you found it of benefit.  We appreciated hearing your views, and will take them into consideration moving forward.


Wednesday 27 January 2010

Increased police patrols

A number of youths were recently seen behaving suspiciously around the estate. The police have been notified and are increasing their patrols in the area.


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Next week's AGM

The AGM is scheduled for next Wednesday in the Holiday Inn - 7pm. Hope to see all shareholders there. During the last couple of months Steve and myself have spent much time considering the budget (including renegotiation of many of the quoted costs - including significant year on year reductions in cleaning fees and management agents costs), finalising the 2008 accounts (still not quite there), and considering a range of management agents.

See you on Wednesday
